Personality Psychology (PERSONALITIES) Encore with Dr. Simine Vazire

Image description: Dr. Simine Vazire sits at her desk and smiles at the camera. She is wearing a Carleton College sweatshirt. The Ologies logo appears superimposed on the photo.

A few personal updates from your internet dad and then … WHO ARE WE? This one is a banger, folks. Personality researcher & psychology professor Dr. Simine Vazire dishes about introverts, extroverts, self-esteem, sociopaths, neuroticism, conscientiousness, Buzzfeed quizzes, yearbook inscriptions, trusting people, screwing up your kids, acting like your parents, changing personality traits through therapy or medication and astrology being put to the test. Also, Alie finds out what kind of dog she is. And thanks you for your #CritterPicforGrandpod. 

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Alie Ward