Teuthology (SQUIDS) Encore with Dr. Sarah McAnulty
Image description: A scrrencap of a Tweet of the back of Dr. McAnulty’s Squidmobile (black compact SUV decorated with squid drawings and a hotline number to text 1-833-SCI-TEXT) with the caption “Should I? I mean they gotta be serious if their license plate says squids.”
Image description: Dr. McAnulty in shorts and a t-shirt pointing at her Squidmobile in a parking lot, with Alie flanking the car and also pointing at a squid drawing on the door.
THE SQUIDMOBILE HAS ARRIVED. Get in losers; we’re talking cephalopods. Yes, she drives a vehicle with squid all over it and encourages people to text her, and we have this encore episode to prove it. The world's most impassioned squid nerd, Sarah McAnulty, gets locked in a basement with Alie to talk about cephalopods, alien DNA, camouflage, invisibility cloaks, why cute things make us bonkers, terrible mating strategies, cute and clever ones and why she is so charmed by squid. Also addressed: Philly accents and the Kraken. And why I am putting out an encore episode from a parking garage.
Listen via Stitcher, Apple, Podbay, Podcast Addict, Spotify, Overcast, or wherever you listen to podcasts.
The squid facts hotline can be reached at 1-833-SCI-TEXT aka 1-833-724-8398
Follow Dr. Sarah McAnulty on Twitter & Instagram @SarahMackAttack
Dr. McAnulty’s Atlas Obscura classes, Science Trivia, book + more
Follow Skype A Scientist on Twitter & Instagram @SkypeAScientist
A donation was made this week to SkypeAScientist.com
Some links which might be helpful:
NatGeo video that Sarah Loves
Dynamic Skin Patterns in Cephalopods
Why Cute Things Make You Want to Punch Things
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Editing by Steven Ray Morris
Music by Nick Thorburn