SKIN & HAIR COLOR with Dr. Tina Lasisi

Skin color! Hair pigment! Biological anthropology! The incredibly informed and infectiously funny Dr. Tina Lasisi joins to chat sunscreen, redheads, light skin, dark skin, in-between skin, hair color, UVAs, UVBs, ocher, freckles and more. Dr. Lasisi is about to become your new favorite science communication and internet friend. Also: sunscreen, people.

Listen via Apple, Spotify, iHeart, Podbay, Podcast Addict, or wherever you listen to podcasts.

Follow Dr. Tina Lasisi on Instagram & TikTok

Visit Dr. Lasisi’s website

A donation went to The Fieldwork Initiative

Full-length (*not* G-rated) Melaninology episode + tons of links

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Sound editing by Mercedes Maitland of Maitland Audio Productions and Jarrett Sleeper of MindJam Media

Made possible by work from Noel Dilworth, Susan Hale, Jacob Chaffee, Kelly R. Dwyer, Aveline Malek and Erin Talbert

Smologies theme song by Harold Malcolm

Smologies!Alie Ward